Exercise: Miracle Cure

You should always be a little suspicious of people who offer “miracle cures,” but recently, doctors at the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in the UK have declared that exercise itself is worthy of the name, “Miracle Cure.”

In fact, they released a report called Exercise: The Miracle Cure and the Role of the Doctor in Promoting It. Now I know that none of my clients need to have a doctor make them exercise, because they’ve already made the wise choice to invest in their health.
It’s not always clear just how valuable an investment that is, however, so I’d like to share with you some statistics from the report.

People who exercised saw the following gains:

  • 31% reduction in cardiac mortality.
  • 90% improvement in self-esteem and well-being.
  • 25%-53% reduction in pain symptoms among osteoarthritis patients.
  • 57% lower rate of prostate cancer progression.
  • At least 10mm Hg drop in blood pressure among 31% of patients.
  • 50%-80% reduction in risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • 30%-50% reduction in risk of falls among older adults.
  • 30% lower all-cause mortality rate.
  • 45% reduction in risk of bowel cancer.

That’s only the beginning of what you get from investing just a little bit of time with your fitness professional.

Member Spotlight:

Tom H. of Delmar says: “after working with you these past nine months, I am a full club length longer on my irons and a good 30 yards longer on my drives–even my wife and friends have commented on the changes in distance and accuracy. I also have no pain where once there was considerable discomfort in my shoulders, hips, and limbs. … Oh yeah, I weigh 15 pounds less than before we started–an added benefit!”

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